Disability – You must, as soon as practicable after the injury or the commencement of the illness, go to a registered medical practitioner and, if necessary, keep going regularly to receive advice and attention. These visits are to be at your expense.
We may require you to undertake medical examinations for our confidential information. If a medical examination is considered necessary by us, it will be at our expense.
Disability begins when you become disabled as certified by a registered medical practitioner, and ends when a registered medical practitioner declares you fit to resume full time employment.
Redundancy begins when you register as unemployed with Work and Income New Zealand and ends when you obtain full-time employment. While you are redundant, you must use your best endeavour’s to find full-time employment. You must produce monthly bank statements for ongoing assessment of the benefit.
Time Limitation
Any application to a benefit under this policy must be made to WeCare Finance Ltd within four weeks of the date of the event giving rise to this application.
Change in Circumstances
You must inform us immediately if you change your name or address or contact details.
Duty of Disclosure
Subject to the rights set out in the Criminal Records (Clean Slate) Act 2004 (“Clean Slate Act”), you are under a duty to disclose all material information to us whether the information is asked for or not. Material information is information that might influence our decision to offer you protection under this Plan and if so on what terms and/or premium. All information given must be complete and correct. If you have any doubt as to whether a fact is material then it should be disclosed. The duty to disclose all material information occurs prior to the commencement of your protection plan. Failure to disclose all material information may result in us avoiding your claim under this Plan. This means your Plan would be deemed never to have existed and any benefit would not be payable.
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